Dreaming of a Hot and Sunny Climate

We have accumulated four and a half inches of rain over the past 24 hours or so and a sky so dark gray that I actually took my hat off. If you’re not aware of our weather the past couple days here in the PNW, it’s been dreary – the kind of days that I find myself day-dreaming about hotter and sunnier climates.

What conifers would I grow if I lived in an area with greater temperature extremes? The first one that comes to mind is both cold and heat hardy and rated at Zone 3. Juniperus horizontalis ‘Limeglow’™ can withstand temperatures to -40ºF and is reported to hold its great color even in hot and dry summer climates.

Juniperus horizontalis 'Limeglow'™

I love the soft texture of its foliage and how it complements the greens and blues of other conifers in the garden. In winter the foliage will fade to a light green with just a hint of plum, but when ‘Limeglow’™ awakens in the spring is when its color really does begin to glow in the garden. In fact, it’s such a great plant for the conifer garden, I’ve had one in mine for several years now. It’s filling in an area that my wife used to plant with her “color spot” annuals (another victory for conifers!).

Yes, we’ve got quite a few dark and rainy days ahead here in the PNW, but I can always dream of a hot and sunny climate and the conifers that would thrive there.

Thanks again to my Iseli friends for the photo link!

Conifer Lover

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